Our communities in the 11th District need to be safe—from the border crisis, to the drug and cartel crisis, to the full-out attack on the fragility of our minor children. I support H.R.2, a policy to finalize the Southern border wall, and the enforcement of immigration laws already in place. I plan to raise and support legislation that pertains to our illegal immigration crisis with the intention of identifying and deporting all persons with criminal backgrounds as a start. Opening borders for mass migration welcomes crime, health risks, economic stresses, violence, and division. Right now in America, these characteristics are systemic—not in our society—but in our government and in our policies. We need someone with vision who can tell the difference and is willing to dive in and work on the real issues, not the "fake news" being propagandized. The root causes, as we always hear, not the symptoms, need to be exposed and addressed. Our constituents need a Representative in Congress who will be on offense, proactively working to overcome bad policy with good. Scripture tells us to overcome evil with good, and that is exactly what I intend to do once in office. I am not buying into the lies of the far left and the current administration. I have my own critical thought process that can discern, as we are pushed more and more towards "groupthink" and admonished if we do not comply with the new mainstream thought process. I believe conservative thought process IS the mainstream, just that our voices are too soft, because we are typically not "fighters". That is why you need to send me to Congress; I am the perfect blend of conservative and fighter to stand up for the good people of the 11th, to make good decisions, restore great values, and regain our culture.
Migrant Crisis - The migrant crisis has caused a financial and resource strain on the entire country. The only help for the 11th district can come from Federal candidates like me, who can and will stop mass migration. This crisis is due to bad policy in our current administration that attracts migrants to our country like a magnet, backed up with promises that we cannot keep.
But why? Why is this mass migration allowed to happen under the Biden administration?
First, as a government, we do not champion the interest of foreign nationals. Open borders allow people with other views, such as Marxists, to enter in mass quantities. The Biden administration has no design on changing this. Encouraging people with blank slates unattached to the American system & culture is "money in the proverbial bank" for hard leftists (Biden's base) and unelected elitists behind the scenes driving this administration's narrative. Not only will illegal immigrants be so thankful to Biden that they will willingly vote for his party and movement, but also (and unfortunately) they are much more easy to indoctrinate into leftist views. That is why legal migration, according to our current laws on the books (that are NOT being enforced), is so critical. Migration according to legal code allows for what we call "assimilation" and this is critically important to our country. Assimilation guides the right people into the best country on earth. Assimilation means that a migrant WANTS to come to the U.S. because they EMBRACE our government style and culture. Mass migration, conversely, incentivizes stand-alone pockets of cultures, and eventually movements to embrace governments of their homelands. We cannot afford to add millions of people that are not assimilated and instead want to eradicate our government and way of life to match where they have come from - and in most cases, are countries of lawlessness, poverty, restricted rights, and extreme violence. The saying "...we are one election away from becoming a Communist society" is more real now than ever.
Our America is built upon individual freedom – speech, religion, opportunity, just rule of law, security, and is unique. No other country has the vibe that we do in the U.S. - why would millions of people from hundreds of countries be lining up on our borders for a chance to become an American if that were not true? I have been around the world and have visited more than 20 countries and worked on projects that have involved more than 100 countries.....and in all of my experience, have never wanted to become a citizen of any of those other countries. We have it so good here. Our veterans have risked their lives defending our great country. We must insist for that reason that Migrants entering our shores have a true love for America. No country can withstand an unlimited number of foreigners pouring into their countries. Unrestricted immigration is unsustainable. The costs are unbearable. We can’t segregate criminals from coming in. Our culture will be overturned before you know it, and we must take action now.
We cannot allow a two-tiered justice system in the United States. We have never seen this type of tyranny bubbling up in the history of our United States of America. Our founding fathers would not approve of the unjust treatment of those citizens that peacefully do not comply with our leadership or are being persecuted due to their political beliefs. Unlawful search and seizure are running rampant. Whistleblowers have been attacked under the current justice system, the tax system, homeland security, and other parts of the administrative state. And unelected officials have been proven to be making critical decisions about the health and security of our nation behind the scenes.
Top 3 problems working against the American people:
1) Big Money
2) Big Bureaucracies
3) Big political careers.
I am running for Congress because I am standing up for America and the sheer fabric of what this country was founded on: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Other candidates may want this position for power, fame, or prosperity. Not me. I was raised by a loving family, had meager beginnings, and worked my way up -- on my own -- to be one of the most successful women in business leadership in the country. Without an education, and with true grit and determination - I made the climb. I want nothing more than to ensure that this country and our precious government will stay in tact for the next, next generation and beyond. And the most important quality I have against corruption is to be driven - driven to always make the most change with the right policies and decisions. I will fight for reform.
Our framers Government is the source of many of the ills we’re seeing and they have undue influence on society and the next generation from health to education to media to working with big tech to silence our voices and prevent alternative thoughts that they don’t approve of, like the thoughts and beliefs of people of faith.)
About Culture. This is the part no one in Congress is doing enough about except showboating. What does the government have to do with culture? Sadly, practically everything! From Hollywood, to forcing programs on the military and corporate America that no one in their right mind would come up with. Does having a 2 tiered justice system affect culture? You bet. How about blatantly refusing to enforce the law? Yes. Policies that harm the family unit? Yes. An education system that offers no choice and federally imposed politically driven education standards, complete with corruption? Absolutely.
There's not enough being done about those types of things because most people are talking against the symptoms of this, including my opponents, rather than addressing the causes and the cause, is largely, government, BIG government.
Like a plant that grows so fast, it becomes sick and starts dying, our government needs to be pruned back so that we can see something more healthy emerge and be strong where it needs to and trimmed where it needs to. Right now, it's out of control and it's dying off and taking the American Dream with it. For something to flourish, it needs to be pruned from time to time and it’s time. Right now, the government is causing more problems than it is solving. You can talk about what needs pruning – the big money in politics, the overreach into our private lives, you name it, then, these all need to be pruned and then you will see something new emerge, new growth because there has been an increase in the healthiness of the plant.
People should be free...to keep much of what they earn, benefit from their hard work and the risks they take, make their own choices in life and be safe in their homes and in their nation. Government plays a role in all that, but right now, it is working against those goals rather than for them. It's taking too much, restricting too much, politicizes and corrupts too much.
Our government is too big, and family budgets are too small. The situation we are in is a result of bad policies outlined below:
1) Biden Administration dismantling of U.S. Fossil Fuel industry
2) Mass funding for Green Energy and Climate Change
3) Skyrocketing Inflation - not addressed until election year
4) Biden Administration reversal of all border protection policies
5) Biden era small business closures during COVID-19
6) COVID funding to pay people NOT to work
7) Unfunded Federal mandates on our local government & citizens
8) Wasteful Federal Spending - $34 Trillion Debt
9) Poor performance of federal employees / and too many unnecessary jobs
10) Worst policies in history for small business owners to stay afloat
and.....hundreds of other examples
Americans First - My priority is on hard working Americans, the elderly, the disabled, our veterans, our kids, the marginalized, our homeless U.S. citizens, and our middle class being forced down into poverty level due to the tripling of costs to live.
Social Security & Medicare/Medicaid - Our most vulnerable Americans must have continued resources. A main priority of mine is to keep Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare in tact for future generations to come. We must not take funds from this program and give them to the millions of migrants, such as government programs happening now - free phones, housing and funds - doled out recklessly by the Biden administration.
U.S. Jobs - We must return to "Made in the USA". We have to bring foreign jobs back into the U.S. For many years we have been told that other countries can manufacture and offer services better and at a lower cost than Americans - and this is a LIE! I have worked in large corporations on a global front, and know first hand that we have the ability to be in-line with other markets with U.S. production. If we offer more attractive American jobs our people will have the ability to thrive financially and also be incentivized to get back into the workforce. This will lower the tax base for all of us and reduce federal costs in welfare and other programs, allowing all of us to live the American dream, while reducing our outrageous federal debt.
For many years, great Republicans have been attempting to defund or dismantle the Board of Education, as it is yet another example of "big government" that is not enumerated in our U.S. Constitution, and shouldn't rightfully exist. Even so, it's almost impossible to do so, because it's become a "paper tiger" taking burden off of states and individual institutions with things like grant and loan administration. I believe the right strategy is to "prune the tree back", in order to reduce the power this administrative state has over our entire U.S. education system and our children.
A Carter-era institution, the Department of Education was originally established formally in 1979:
"The primary functions of the ED are to coordinate and administer policies that have been established for assistance to education, data collection on US schools and to enforce specific laws related to federal education including matters such as civil rights and privacy. It is noteworthy that the department does not physically establish colleges or schools."
My focus is to remove all power of the Department of Education to determine why a school (especially K-12 grades) receive funding. The Department of Education establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to education. If the department will continue to exist, it should only be to administer funds, not to determine why funds are allocated to schools, and not which schools receive federal funding. My policy would be to remove power from this agency, and to limit it's activities to processing and retaining records for institutional grants and loans.
Another very important issue is that of School Choice, which plays into the "pruning back" of the Department of Education. Right now, the Department will send funding to schools that lean more toward leftist ideology vs. those providing great academic education. My priority is to enact School Choice, so that parents can take the tax dollars earmarked for education and select the school they would like their children to attend, including homeschooling as a choice. Parents know best! And parents should be allowed to make decisions affecting their children's education, and be provided with choice vs. mandates by the government. Home schools should be encouraged and not taxed, and rather, be provided with equal funding based on the number of children educated in the home.
Parental Notification plays right into all of these issues. I don't know about you, but I will NOT co-parent with the government! Parents should be notified anytime there is an issue - academic or social - affecting their children under 18. No exceptions!
We need to unite against real enemies not buy into rhetoric of inside radicals designed to keep us at odds with each other for the political gain of elitists, groups or special interests. It’s time we said enough is enough! Candidates in this race are buying into the narrative that we are bad people and we need to defend ourselves. I am not, I stand strong in my convictions! I see with clarity the source of this and many other societal ills created by the government; the very organism that is accusing everyone along with their friends in the media of being things they are not. We need people not to work on false narratives but to see with clarity and lead us out in unity and strength and reach out to others and bring them along. It may take tough love and encouragement but the victim mentality is just a trick and it’s being exploited to keep the marginalized down.
Susan has a common-sense, practical approach to policy making. Her S.U.C.C.E.E.D. plan addresses the most major issues facing the nation and her constituents. Susan is the only Candidate in her race with a fully-functional plan for when she enters Congress. All Republicans believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - the difference is how each candidate proposes to deliver the American Dream to their constituents. Susan is proven to understand the issues, fight for the right solutions, and to work very hard each day for every-day people. She will improve lives in her district by protecting your rights through our Constitution and our founding values; the fabric of what our country was built upon. She will be the change agent for the path to a Better America.
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